I always want a back up with the things that I have. I've been using a cheap earphones as my "regular" earphones and I use the KZ ZST PRO (which I bought last year) as my go-to earphones whenever I edit my videos or wants to listen to a good music. I've been using it for a year and it has a good quality sound for someone who want to listen to every instruments and vocals of a music. It's cheap and has a good quality. I also made a review of that last if ever you want to check it out.
I'm not that familiar with the KZ brand until last year when my friend suggested for me to buy this. The design of their earphones are very catchy - hello to detachable ear phones. You can use it wired, as a bluetooth earphone or even attached a wireless bluetooth device. Plus all the reviews are great.
My "regular" earphones broke so I was looking for an alternative one. Was browsing at Shopee (again) when I came across a new series from the KZ brand. It is much cheaper and the look of the earphones are sleek and simple. It is cheaper then the KZ ZST PRO so I bought this one as my alternative-everyday-regular earphones. And when it came, I was wowed by its sound quality!