Speaking and talking is part of our daily lives. Some uses their "voice" for their work and at times, it may be overused leading to sore throat or even hoarseness of voice. When it does happen, our work can be affected and a day of being unproductive can have a huge impact on our lives.
Being a NURSE in a BPO industry for more than 5 years, I've always encountered the same chief complaints of our patients, "sore throat". I've been working as a clinic nurse in a corporate setup and I ALWAYS encounter patients who have troubles with their throat. Whether it be itchy throat, sore throat or even cough, we nurses and our doctors ALWAYS recommend a fast relief remedy for this kind of complaint.
This is the KAMILLOSAN SPRAY which is a natural inflammatory spray solution from the chamomile and also has anti-bacterial properties of the essential oils to accelerate wound healing. It provides primary relief of infection of the buccal and pharyngeal cavity. Can be used for acute or chronic infection of the mouth area.
In our clinic, the usual complaint of our patients is sore throat so this is the FIRST remedy we suggest.
Although Kamillosan spray has a lot of other uses such as:
- Inflammatory infection of the buccal and pharyngeal cavity
- Parodontis, acute gingivitis
- Pain after tooth extraction and during second dentition
- Mucosal irritation caused by dental plates
- Tonsillary angina
- Canker sores
- Bad breath
Main Ingredients:
Chamomile Extract 370mg
Methyl Salicylate 1mg
Peppermint Oil 18.5mg
Sage Oil 6mg
Anise Oil 7mg
Dwarf Pine-Needle Oil 1mg
Bergamot Oil 0.5mg
Cineol 5mg
Weight: 15ml Price: Php440
(Get your for FREE only at Sample Room. Click HEREfor the link.)
Taste: It tastes like minty peppermint with a bit of bitter sweet after taste
How to Use:
Apply 2-3 sprays directly on the affected area for 3x daily. Recommended to use after meals and refrain from eating or drinking 30 minutes after spraying.
Based on my experience, Kamillosan spray is the first remedy we suggest to our patients especially for those employees who are working in the BPO field. Most of our patients, uses their voice for their work and having sore throat or hoarseness of voice can affect their performance. We also give this to those patients who have dry cough. With the help of the Kamillosan, we clinic nurses help these employees/patients be productive all throughout their shift by the use of this spray. Kamillosan spray can be bought over the counter at any drugstores so we highly suggest buying their own Kamillosan spray so that they can easily bring and use this while working.
Personally, I've also used this spray if I feel like I'm coming down with a flu. I also used this when I had an extreme toothache (and even mouth sore) which really helped lessen the pain. At times, when I feel like my throat feels dry, I spray this on my mouth. I remembered it has a different packaging before and glad that they made it slimmer (it isn't as bulky as the ones before) as you can easily just put in your pocket or on your small bag.
Being a NURSE means taking care of the health of others. But before taking care of our patients, we must also take care of ourselves. Having the Kamillosan handy and ready makes it easier to prevent any incoming flu or relieve sore throat first hand. Taking care of ourselves so that we can also take care more patients.
Don't let the sore throat, itchy throat or any mouth related irritation refrain you from doing the BEST you can. Let your #NaturalPowerOfVoice be heard by using the Kamillosan spray!
By the way, I got the KAMILLOSAN SPRAY product for FREEand you can also get yours for FREE only at Sample Room Ph. Check the link HERE to know more! Again, thank you Sample Room Ph! 😊
♥ NICOLE/NIX ♥ Currently working as Registered NURSE who loves sharing BEAUTY products I currently love, WHITENING tips and as well as FOOD experiences. A few times, I also share some tidbits of my LIFE and anything in between. ♥♥♥ For more info, querries or collabs, kindly email me at: iamnicolefaller@yahoo.com ♥♥♥
!!!DISCLAIMER!!! All information provided on this site are for informational purposes only. All products/items/foods were personally purchased by me unless stated otherwise. Reviews posted are based on my own personal experience.
For BEAUTY reviews: My reviews are based on my own experience so keep in mind that while a product may work for me, it may or may not necessarily work for you. I do hope that you find my review helpful since all my reviews are 100% honest