Back with another hair dye review. Last April 2024, I decided to dye my hair again with a darker shade. As you all know, I've been dyeing my hair for about a year now (again) and I kind of miss having a dark brown hair. Today, let me share with you another color I've tried from the brand LIESE.
This is the LIESE BUBBLE HAIR DYE FOAM which is a Japanese hair dye that I've known and been using since 2010. I've been a fan of this hair dye since I find it very easy to use. It's as easy as shampooing your hair without the hassle of reaching every parts of the hair. I chose to try the NATURAL ASH BROWN to tone down and remove the brassy color on my hair and to also cover the white hair.
Product description: Has Royal Jelly Extract, Seaweed Extract and Glass Retention ingredient (Lanolin Acid) that moisturizes and protects the hair strands.
Natural Ash Brown (2G)
Light brownish hues - alluring, earthly palette. Perfect for gray coverage.
Liese Hair Color (Solution 1)
Liese Hair Color Developer (Solution 2)
Liese Rinse-off Treatment
Bottle with Pump
1. Mix solution 1 and solution 2 – Make sure not to shake the bottle! Just turn it over 5 to 6 times and it's done.
2. Apply the pump and gently squeeze the bottle to dispense the foam. Massage the foam gently and thoroughly on hair from roots to tips. Make sure the bubbles thoroughly cover all hair strands.
3. Leave on for 30 minutes. While waiting, you may want to read a book, do some chores, or post on social media – Liese has a non-drip formula so no need to worry about making a mess!
4. Wash off the bubbles, dry your hair, and see the transformation!
Check out the demo video review I made on my Youtube channel below: