Collagen has been part of my life since I first discovered it in late 2016. I find that collagen helps my skin a lot by helping it prevent pimples and makes my skin soft and supple even under stress! I don't have any pimples as of the moment and my skin is now BETTER. Although, my main concern now is my red marks or blemishes left by the pimples.
I’m already 30 (yes I am! haha) and I believe that one should already take care of the skin (from within) especially that I can already see some signs of aging. Collagen does a big help on taking care of our skin by keeping its moisture and making it more youthful. Yay! It also helps to make my skin soft and supple even if I only have few hours of sleep.
Today, I'll be sharing with my NEW COLLAGEN discovery which I used for a month.
The Bi-Suppon is an anti-aging and rejuvenating supplement collagen that helps to get rid of wrinkles, fine lines and skin pigmentation. It also helps to make the skin soft and supple. It helps to increase the skin elasticity, improves hair volume and shine, improves skin moisture and smoothness and helps to reduce appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. This is a 100% natural and organic ingredients imported and made in Japan. Made by whole soft-shelled turtle from Hamamatsu, Japan.
"Skin is made up of 75% collagen, but this will deplete after the age of 25 at a rate of 1.5% a year. After the age of 45, collagen will fall by as much as 30&. The visible effects of this decline don't appear just as wrinkles, fine lines, skin pigmentations and dry skin but it can also result to a decrease of physical condition since collagen is basically the glue that holds our joints, bones and ligaments."
Key Ingredients:
*Swallows Nest
*Shark's Fin
*Hyaluronic Acid
*Royal Jelly
Also contains Vitamin B1, B2, C, E and B6. As well as Calcium and Iron.
Has 382.48mg Amino acid contents(*contains 18 essential amino acid pero 3 tabs/day)
Packaging: Comes in a sealed white and gold packaging
Price: Php1680
Scent: It has a distinct weird scent that I already got used to
Taste: None
How to Use:
- Take once a day, take 3 pea-size capsules before sleep.
- You can also take it along with Vitamin C to synthesize collagen.
Watch the video review I made on my Youtube channel below:
- Easy to use/swallow
- Made my skin soft and supple
- No side effects
- Pricey
- Can only be bought online
For more info about the Bi-Suppon Collagen, you may check the links of Blue Bee One below:
♥ NICOLE/NIX ♥ Currently working as Registered NURSE who loves sharing BEAUTY products I currently love, WHITENING tips and as well as FOOD experiences. A few times, I also share some tidbits of my LIFE and anything in between. ♥♥♥ For more info, querries or collabs, kindly email me at: ♥♥♥
!!!DISCLAIMER!!! All information provided on this site are for informational purposes only. All products/items/foods were personally purchased by me unless stated otherwise. Reviews posted are based on my own personal experience.
For BEAUTY reviews: My reviews are based on my own experience so keep in mind that while a product may work for me, it may or may not necessarily work for you. I do hope that you find my review helpful since all my reviews are 100% honest