I have a natural wavy-curly hair and is more prominent now that I have a shorter hair. The curls went up whenever I cut my hair short. Although I have this kind of hair, most of the times I use a hair curler whenever I want a more manageable and pretty curls this making my hair more damage. I have a dry and damage hair to begin with thus using this kind of hair tools might add more damage to my hair. No, I don't use hair iron or curlers on a daily basis now that I don't go out that much. I only do use these tool maybe 2-3xa month now whenever I film videos. Anyway, today let me share with you a hair curler essence I've been using to help lessen the damage of using this kind of hair tools.
Key Ingredients:
Aqua Chain Effect (hair softening essence)
Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract (boost hydration and healthy glow)
This packaging comes in a purple box and the product comes in a purple tube. It comes in 2 packaging, the bigger one and travel-sized one.
The consistency is light cream. The color of the essence is white.
It has citrus, lemon, orange, lime, green floral, muguet, lily and woody mush scent. Scent feels fresh and charming.
How to Use: After towel/blow dry, spread a thin layer of product on the palms evenly then apply on desired areas.
I love that this is essence protects and nourish the hair at the same time - just what I was looking for a styling essence. Product is very easy to use and feels light when applied on the hair. It makes it easier for me to curl the hair plus it surprisingly makes the curls lasts longer. This product is perfect for those who wants to achieve natural hair styling and essence as the same time. Those who also want to perm the hair and those with wavy or curly hair. It comes in 2 packaging and I like the smaller one as I can easily bring it around and especially when I travel.
#Charis #CharisCeleb #CurlingEssenceBouncyWave #CurlingEssence #Amos #AmosCurlingEssenceBouncyWave
@charis_celeb @hicharis_official