Back with another GLUTATHIONE review (again!) that I took for a month. This is the NEWEST AQUA SKIN GLUTATHIONE that I took for a month. (July 2021).
Some of you may be a first timer taking a glutathione or even hesitant to take one so I listed some questions and answers which might be helpful for you.
1. What is a Glutathione?
- According to the information I got online, "Glutathione is a substance produced naturally by liver. It is the major anti-oxidant produced by the body and our immune system depends in a steady supply if glutathione." In short, one can take an oral glutathione to boost his/her immune system.
2. What is the recommended dosage of Glutathione?
- I can’t claim anything to this but I’ve watch a documentary on Youtube saying that the recommended dosage for glutathione is 500mg. According to them, more than 500mg is considered overdose. Though some claims that the recommended intake depends on your body weight. Personally, I only take 1capsule a day to be sure.
3. How many capsules of Glutathione should I take in a day?
- According to Filipino Doctor site, it is recommended to take 1-2 capsule a day depending on your body weight. There is a computation for that and can the clearly be explained on the links mentioned.
4. Why is there a need to take Vitamin C while taking Glutathione?
- This is to enhance or boost glutathione levels on the blood that why one must take more Vitamin C than the glutathione. But just to be sure again,
5. Would oral glutathione and Vita White Plus harm my liver or kidneys since it'll filter everything I intake?
- According to my research, there is no study if oral glutathione really affects the liver or kidneys. I saw one or two articles stating that IV glutathione does more damage to the kidneys. Also, read that the higher glutathione content, the greater the liver's capacity to detoxify harmful chemicals.
6. Is it effective?
- As mentioned, it’s only been a year since I started trying oral glutathione for reviews. So far, I think every glutathione I’ve took were effective for me though they differ in how long did it effect on me. The reactions or effects differ depending on the current skin tone and body weight.
7. Why it’s taking me too long to see the effects?
- Please take note of the following:
Duration of intake of skin whitening:
*Medium Brown Skin: 1-3 months
*Dark Brown Skin: 3-6 months
*Very Dark Skin: 6-12 months
*Black Skin: 2 years or more
*Once a person has acquired her desired color, the maintenance dose will just be 500mg once a day.
I do apologize for the very long informational introduction so let’s get started with the review.
Product Info: Aqua Skin Glutathione is a food supplement that helps to whiten and nourish the skin. It also improves aging and breakouts. It also reduces the dark spots and dark circles under the eye. Promotes a soft, flexible, smooth, healthy, and radiant skin. Helps fight free radicals damaging the cells. Improves muscle mass. Helps repair damaged skin cells. Maintains existing collagen in the body
Note: This product is not advisable for pregnant and lactating women.
Product is 100% made in Japan. With Japan ministry certification, FDA APPROVED, with CPR, Halal, HACACP, GMP and SGS Certified.
Packaging: It comes in a frosted glass bottle with 60 capsules included. The 500mg capsule is color white. There is a silver line on the cap, shrink safe band, with cover safety plastic, press seal cap linin foam and Japan authentic silica gel. The powder inside is pearl powder color.
Price: Php1299
Taste: None
Scent: None
How To Use:
Take 1 capsule per day or as prescribed by your physician.
Take 1 capsule per day or as prescribed by your physician.
- I started using Aqua Skin Glutathione in July 2021.
- I take it together their Aqua Skin Soap.
- I’m not particular of the time but I usually take 1 capsule before I go to work once day. Not also particular if I take it with or without meals.
- I notice a glow/brighter skin on the 4th week of use.
Results after 1 bottle of Aqua Skin Gluta.
- Visible effects after 4 weeks (1 box)
- FDA Approved
- Easy to take; no any side effects
- Glowing and radiant creamy white effects
- No breakouts
- Boosts the immune system; anti-oxidant
- With added vitamins
- Affordable
- None

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