past few weeks, I know I’ve been lacking updates on my social media especially
on my blog and Youtube channel. (Though you can always check on my life by
watching my Facebook and Instagram stories since I update it always). Been so
busy with stuff lately and you know, life happens. Lately, I’ve been focusing on reconnecting with family and friends, just go with the flow and chill. Also,
I don’t want to pressure myself into doing things I don’t feel like doing now. Don’t
worry guys, my passion is always to write, share my thoughts and review for you
guys and I know I’ll be back soon! (Like next week maybe? Haha)
Last December 8, 2017,
I and my college friends since 2006 had
a yearly Christmas Get Together at
Discovery Suites in Ortigas. Kiseeeg is my college barkada and we've known
each other for 11 years already. For
the past years, we’ve been doing this get together every once in a while. This
might sound weird but during these occasions, we normally just pig out, play
games, watch movies and talk about life. And that’s what we did.
We rented a room at Discovery
Suites. The room was perfect as it comprises of kitchen, dining area,
living area, 1 bedroom with 2 beds, closet area and a huge comfort room. Which was
perfect for the 6 of us.
We started the night as we ate dinner at Shakey’s in Ortigas.
We spent the rest of the night eating and just talking about
life. Slept at around 3-4 am.
During the morning, I and Romeo had the opportunity to try the
breakfast buffet for 2. The foods were delicious and made us full. While
Rina, Grace and Jep went for a morning dip and Gen cooked for breakfast.
We spent the rest of the morning preparing and played the game,
Mobile Legends with Gen at Romeo. It’s more fun playing this game with friends!
After checking out, we decided to go to Rina’s house in
Antipolo. We played Just Dance and watched Bad Genius movie. We all went home at
around 4-5pm already as we we’re sleepy and tired already.
By the way, here's the video I made during that day:
Having these friends for 11 years made me realized how lucky am
I to have found these friends. Blessed and thankful to have them for all these
years. It’s been a while since we we’re complete but I’m glad that things never
really changed. Though we're not complete this time (tagging Gretchen, May and Rubulyn), we’re all still the same and going strong. Cheers to 11 years of friendship and Merry Christmas!