Hello BLOG! I kind of miss writing anything under the sun in this platform. Gone are the days where people read blogs to read and connect. I love the kind of blogs before wherein a certain blogger writes anything that happens to her/him thru their blog. I feel connected and immersed when reading those. Wherein now, we just watch vlogs for that. I am not even sure if people still reads this blog (or even read a blog) but will still share this anyway.
It's been a year since I made a LIFE LATELY. There's A LOT of things that changed since I last posted in 2021. It's almost 2023 now. So here are some life updates that I have.
Yes, I am still working in a government mental facility here in the Philippines for more than 2 years now. Can't imagine that it's been more than 2 years already. I remembered being so anxious and excited to be back at NCMH but now as a Staff Nurse. It's actually my dream job. I am now assigned to a different Pavilion and that's what I like about working in a Psychiatric facility - you get to learn different ways to handle different kind of patients. It's a very tiring but fulfilling job.
Come to think of it. Do you want me to share what I do as a Psychiatric Nurse?
If you've been following me in this blog, you might see some personal posts regarding my plans to work abroad. Most of my friends are now working abroad - thanks to the pandemic that made opportunities for nurses to easily work abroad compared to the previous years. Before, I had plans to work and try new opportunities abroad but I am contented with what I have as of now. Also, I have a hard time leaving my 7 cats as I think of them as my children. Sounds funny, yes. But that is how I actually see them.
As of now, my plans is to focus on my personal growth. Try other opportunities here. And let's see where it goes. Hopefully my plans will push through by next year. (cross fingers).
At this time, I am blessed and thankful that I have now a stable and good career. I realized that SUCCESS doesn't mean being happy with just material and physical things but it more of being CONTENTED and HAPPY with what you have.
When I was in my mid 20's, I thought that was my "mid-life-crisis" days but I was so wrong. Mid life crisis hit me when I started in my 30's - especially now that I am 33 (turning 34 in the next 2 months).
Normally, during this age, most of the people have settled with there lives. Stable career, marriage, family, home. Where am I in those?
It made me question my plans in life. Why my plans didn't work out the way I planned it in my early 20's. I even questioned why I am not married at this age. Sometimes, I feel pressured as being pregnant at this age can be considered a high risk pregnancy. (Are my egg cells still good? Haha).
Yes, the pressure is there. But I don't want to pressure myself into marrying a person I am not sure. I want to let things be and not to be in a rush. Yes, I want to settle down, get married and have kids someday. Not losing hope but not expecting too much. (Lord, baka naman)
Sometimes, I think that I'll just settle down alone with my cats as I get old. (Now I am getting teary eyed).