NEW GLUTATHIONE review again. Due to stress, change of work, use of face mask for the whole day, lack of decent sleep - my skin experienced breakouts this past month. But lately, people seem to noticed a change on my skin as most of them told me how bright, radiant and glowing my skin. And that’s when I knew that the current supplement I am taking is now taking effect.
Today, let me share with you the current GLUTATHIONE that I am taking for the past weeks – months.
This is the LAZEL GLUTA PURE 2-IN-1 WHITENING SUPPLEMENT - a powerful whitening capsule from Thailand that keeps the skin bright and white. It has a speed white x100 full dose whitening.
lighter than usual. I even thought she was taking glutathione but revealed to me that she’s only using Kojie San Kojic Soap for her body. Since 2012, I regularly use Kojie San soap until I started reviewing whitening products in 2016.
Some of you may be a first timer taking a glutathione or even hesitant to take one so I listed some questions and answers which might be helpful for you.
1. What is a Glutathione?
- According to the information I got online, "Glutathione is a substance produced naturally by liver. It is the major anti-oxidant produced by the body and our immune system depends in a steady supply if glutathione." In short, one can take an oral glutathione to boost his/her immune system.
2. What is the recommended dosage of Glutathione?
- I can’t claim anything to this but I’ve watch a documentary on Youtube saying that the recommended dosage for glutathione is 500mg. According to them, more than 500mg is considered overdose. Though some claims that the recommended intake depends on your body weight. Personally, I only take 1capsule a day to be sure.
3. How many capsules of Glutathione should I take in a day?
- It is recommended to take 1-2 capsule a day depending on your body weight. There is a computation for that and can the clearly be explained on the links mentioned.
4. Why is there a need to take Vitamin C while taking Glutathione?
- This is to enhance or boost glutathione levels on the blood that why one must take more Vitamin C than the glutathione. But just to be sure again,
5. Would oral glutathione harm my liver or kidneys since it'll filter everything I intake?
- According to my research, there is no study if oral glutathione really affects the liver or kidneys. I saw one or two articles stating that IV glutathione does more damage to the kidneys. Also, read that the higher glutathione content, the greater the liver's capacity to detoxify harmful chemicals.
6. Is it effective?
- As mentioned, it’s only been a year since I started trying oral glutathione for reviews. So far, I think every glutathione I’ve took were effective for me though they differ in how long did it effect on me. The reactions or effects differ depending on the current skin tone and body weight.
7. Why it’s taking me too long to see the effects?
- Please take note of the following:
Duration of intake of skin whitening:
*Medium Brown Skin: 1-3 months
*Dark Brown Skin: 3-6 months
*Very Dark Skin: 6-12 months
*Black Skin: 2 years or more
*Once a person has acquired her desired color, the maintenance dose will just be 500mg once a day.
I do apologize for the very long informational introduction so let’s get started with the review.
Product Info: LAZEL GLUTA PURE is a powerful antioxidant, shielding cells from free radical damage that leads to disease and signs of aging. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it beneficial for heart health, cognitive function, and mood. It may also improve concentration and memory. It also helps to clear the skin, reduce dark spots and makes the skin look younger.
Has Pure L-Glutathione 15,000mg and Alpha Lipoic Acic 3,000mg
Each gel contains Glutathione 500mg and Alpha Lipoic Acid 100mg
Packaging: It comes in a pink re seal-able pack with 30 soft gels included. The gels are color transparent yellow.
Price: Php370 at The GlamSoulMNL (
Taste: None
Scent: Smells like Coconut
How To Use:
Take 1-2 soft gels before bedtime or at an empty stomach.

- Visible effects after 4 weeks (1 box)
- Glowy and radiant creamy white effects
- No breakouts
- Very affordable
- Boosts the immune system; anti-oxidant

- A lot of fake products (so I sugeest purchasing at legit online shop
Verdict: Aftrer trying this whitening supplement for a month, I can say that this made really made my skin more bright and glowing despite all the stress that I am experiencing right now. It started to notice the effects on the 3rd week of taking this when people noticed how glowing my skin is. It also helped to lighten the dark areas of my skin like the elbow and knees. It also helped lessen my pimples and made my skin bright and radiant.
Since I also want you to try this whitening supplement, I am hosting a GIVEAWAY together with The Glam Soul MNL and all you have to do is to follow the mechanics below: