It's been more than a month since I'm taking this GLUTATHIONE and now back with my final thoughts with this product. Yes, I know I've been CONSISTENTLY taking different whitening supplements since last year. Honestly, taking these kind of supplements are beneficial as long as you don't overdo it. Again, taking too much is always bad. I only take whitening supplements as a booster for immune system and making the skin white is just a plus for me. Before I begin my review, let me share with you something about my WHITENING HISTORY.
To begin with, (not to brag or whatsoever) I was already born with a fair skin. During my teenage years, I had a huge hormonal pimple problems which leads me to use derma products to get rid and prevent pimple breakouts. Thus, making my face lighter compared to the rest of my body. I do get lots of queries about oral glutathione or sometimes, people ask why I still take glutathione or whitening products when in fact I already have a fair skin. For the nth time, I have no issues with trying out and reviewing products for you guys so I have consent to take these products and share my opinions on my blog and YouTube channel.
Also, I first started taking oral glutathione in 2016 until 2017 and personally, glutathione does wonders on my skin. I haven’t consistently taken glutathione since I do try different oral glutathione for the sake of review. Since 2016, I’ve already tried the Snow Caps, Mosbeau Placenta WhiteAdvanced, Relumins Advance White, Snow Beautycare, Gluta White 500, Ishigaki Amino Classic White and Bellatrix Glutathione + Collagen, Aiya Gluta Collagen, Frozen Collagen, Biotad Glutathione and Luxcent. I usually take 1 capsule a day with Enervon C as my Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to boost the absorption of Glutathione thus taking a Vitamin C together with glutathione is a must.
Some of you may be a first timer taking a glutathione or even hesitant to take one so I listed some questions and answers which might be helpful for you.
1. What is a Glutathione?
- According to the information I got online, "Glutathione is a substance produced naturally by liver. It is the major anti-oxidant produced by the body and our immune system depends in a steady supply if glutathione." In short, one can take an oral glutathione to boost his/her immune system.
2. What is the recommended dosage of Glutathione?
- I can’t claim anything to this but I’ve watch a documentary on Youtube saying that the recommended dosage for glutathione is 500mg. According to them, more than 500mg is considered overdose. Though some claims that the recommended intake depends on your body weight. Personally, I only take 1capsule a day to be sure.
3. How many capsules of Glutathione should I take in a day?
- According to Filipino Doctor site and Official Gluta-White 500 Facebook, it is recommended to take 1-2 capsule a day depending on your body weight. There is a computation for that and can the clearly be explained on the links mentioned.
4. Why is there a need to take Vitamin C while taking Glutathione?
- This is to enhance or boost glutathione levels on the blood that why one must take more Vitamin C than the glutathione. But just to be sure again, I only take 1 tablet of Kokando Vita White. Though it is recommended to take 3 capsule of Kokando Vita White a day.
5. Would oral glutathione and Vita White Plus harm my liver or kidneys since it'll filter everything I intake?
- According to my research, there is no study if oral glutathione really affects the liver or kidneys. I saw one or two articles stating that IV glutathione does more damage to the kidneys. Also, read that the higher glutathione content, the greater the liver's capacity to detoxify harmful chemicals.
6. Is it effective?
- As mentioned, it’s only been a year since I started trying oral glutathione for reviews. So far, I think every glutathione I’ve took were effective for me though they differ in how long did it effect on me. The reactions or effects differ depending on the current skin tone and body weight.
7. Why it’s taking me too long to see the effects?
- Please take note of the following: Duration of intake of skin whitening:
*Medium Brown Skin: 1-3 months
*Dark Brown Skin: 3-6 months
*Very Dark Skin: 6-12 months
*Black Skin: 2 years or more
*Once a person has acquired her desired color, the maintenance dose will just be 500mg once a day.
Now let's get started with my review.
This is the THIONIL PREMIUM PLACENTA WHITE which is a reduced l-glutathioen with collagen that gives the skin that pearl milky white Korean skin. It claims that 1 capsule is equivalent to 1 vial gluta injectables. Claims to lighten the skin in just 1 week!!!
*Key Ingredients: (each bottle = 1800mg)
Reduced Glutathione 1350mg
Placenta Extract 100mg
Collagen 200mg
Pearl Powder 100mg
N-Acetyl Cysteine 20mg
Selenomethionine 20mg
Vitamin B2 10mg
Packaging: Comes in a white and blue plastic bottle. It is sealed and comes with a plastic inside. The capsule is color white.
Price: Around Php1000+ / 30 capsules per bottle
Taste: has a distinct weird tolerable taste
Scent: Smells like rotten egg
How to Use: Take 1-2 capsules per day or as directed by your physician
!!! Not for pregnant or lactating mothers, 18 y/o below and/or with serious medical conditions
- I started taking this capsule 2nd week of February 2020
- I took 1 capsule a day at night (before I go to sleep)
- I take this along with my daily Vitamins (Enervon C)
RESULT (more than 1 month / 1 cap a day)

Check out my Youtube video review below:
- Whitens the skin in just 1 month
- Pinkish glow
- Radiant skin
- Lightens the dark spots
- It only has 30 capsules
- Not sure if FDA approved
I've used 1 bottle (30 capsules) for a month and it did maintained the radiance on my skin and even brighten the dark spots I have. I love that it gives me that pinkish Korean glow especially outdoors. There are no unwanted side effects. It says it is FDA approved but there are no record on FDA Philippines. I've checked the manufacturer and it is really a Korean company although I can't read the information on their Korean website. Compared to their competitors, I think they are a little pricier compared to them as 1 bottle only has 30 capsules included.
Overall, I liked the product and it is really EFFECTIVE! Definitely recommended!
By the way, I got this product from GLUTAWORKS.