Having menstrual period plus menstrual pain can really be hard every month. Since high school (13y/o to be exact), I've been experiencing PAINFUL menstrual cramps every single month. And yes, I'm now 30 and imagine the pain I have to go through since I was 13y/o. Not sure if it's because I have a very low pain tolerance or it's just that painful for me. It's really bad when I don't take pain killers once I felt the my menstrual period or else, I'll experience having cold sweats, diarrhea and vomiting. I tell you, it is really hard. Though most of the time, I take these meds because I NEED it or else I can't do anything, not even go to work. I try to avoid taking pain killers as much as I can as it can be harmful for the liver and kidneys.
Since I discovered heat pads a year ago, I've been using this EVERY SINGLE TIME I have a period. It's hassle free since I don't need to use a heat pack especially when I have work. Today, I got a NEW brand of heat pads that I got to try this past few months.
This is the BARO HEAT PADS which are patch type body warmer (hot pack) that is used to relieve pain that is attached to the underwear. It is especially effective to use this hot pack before and after the menstrual cramps. This product reduces the pain in menstrual cramps. The temperature can last up to 50-60 Celsius. Can be used up to 6 hours.
2 types of heat pack:
How to use:
1. After opening the outer bag, remove sticker cover and attach it in front part of underwear and thin clothes.
2. Place it on your underwear as it may cause cold burns if you put directly on your bare skin
3. Throw used pad after using, each pad lasts for 6 hrs
After opening the pack and sticking it to you undies, you won't feel the heat at first. It took me 10-15 minutes before I started to feel the heat. At first I though that there was no heat but you really have to wait until it starts to heat up.
I got my period during my work and I work as a nurse which means that I always have to stand up and move around. Imagine using just a regular warm bag, that would really hassle to always bring around. What I like about this warm pack is that it sticks on your undies without anybody noticing it. It also helps to lessen the menstrual pain I had.
I have high expectations with the longevity of the pack since the first heat pads I used a year ago lasted longer. This one only lasted for about 6-8 hours, enough for the whole day at work.
The heat is just enough for my menstrual pain. By the way, I used 2 packs of the warming pack and 1 pad of the healing pad. I like the HEALING PAD better as it can cover more areas on by abdomen.
The only thing I didn't like was it easily falls off the underwear. I tried sticking it with a tape but it still doesn't stick well. I had to push the pads closer to my tummy still. I recommend only sticking it for 1 time and don't remove it after.
You can buy the BARO HEAT PADS here:
ig: @justjda_ph
Since I discovered heat pads a year ago, I've been using this EVERY SINGLE TIME I have a period. It's hassle free since I don't need to use a heat pack especially when I have work. Today, I got a NEW brand of heat pads that I got to try this past few months.
This is the BARO HEAT PADS which are patch type body warmer (hot pack) that is used to relieve pain that is attached to the underwear. It is especially effective to use this hot pack before and after the menstrual cramps. This product reduces the pain in menstrual cramps. The temperature can last up to 50-60 Celsius. Can be used up to 6 hours.
2 types of heat pack:
1. After opening the outer bag, remove sticker cover and attach it in front part of underwear and thin clothes.
2. Place it on your underwear as it may cause cold burns if you put directly on your bare skin
3. Throw used pad after using, each pad lasts for 6 hrs
I got my period during my work and I work as a nurse which means that I always have to stand up and move around. Imagine using just a regular warm bag, that would really hassle to always bring around. What I like about this warm pack is that it sticks on your undies without anybody noticing it. It also helps to lessen the menstrual pain I had.
I have high expectations with the longevity of the pack since the first heat pads I used a year ago lasted longer. This one only lasted for about 6-8 hours, enough for the whole day at work.
The heat is just enough for my menstrual pain. By the way, I used 2 packs of the warming pack and 1 pad of the healing pad. I like the HEALING PAD better as it can cover more areas on by abdomen.
The only thing I didn't like was it easily falls off the underwear. I tried sticking it with a tape but it still doesn't stick well. I had to push the pads closer to my tummy still. I recommend only sticking it for 1 time and don't remove it after.
ig: @justjda_ph

We tried to get pregnant for a few years in a local clinic. There were no results. We've tried everything possible but nothing. We were recommended to use donor eggs. I know we have to try herbal made medicine. I was terrified. I didn't know how to go about it and where to begin my search. When my friend recommended me to Dr Itua herbal medicine in Western African. I thought she was joking. I knew nothing about that country and I was afraid with shame I must say I thought it was a little bit...wild? Anyway she convinced me to at least check it out. I've done the research and thought that maybe this really is a good idea. Dr Itua has reasonable prices. Also it has high rates of successful treatments. Plus it uses Natural Herbs. Well I should say I was convinced. My Husband gave it a try and now we can say it was the best decision in our lives. We were trying for so long to have a child and suddenly it all looked so simple. The doctors and staff were so confident and hopeful they projected those feelings on me too. I am so happy to be a mother and eternally thankful to Dr Itua and Lori My Dear Friend. Don’t be afraid and just do it! Try Dr itua herbal medicine today and sees different in every situation.Dr Itua Contact Info...Whatsapp+2348149277967/drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com Dr Itua have cure for the following diseases.All types of cancer,Liver/Kidney inflammatory,Fibroid,Infertility.Herpes Virus Hiv/Aids, ALS, Parkinson, Hepatitis,Diabetes..