My love for Korean foods will never stop. One of my fave is their KIMCHI. Today, let me share with you the NEWEST Kimchi seasoning that I discovered. This is the KIMCHI SEASONING MIX from the Korean brand Toktok - the first Kimchi seasoning...
Having a light hair for a year made my hair dry, damaged and frizzy that is why I decided to have my hair cut and dyed at a salon a few months ago. Currently, I have a darker hair now (still not black)...
So excited to share you another GLUTATHIONE review (again!) that I took for a month. Yes, this is the GLUTA WHITE 500 which I reviewed in July 2017. If you are one of the people who ask me for oral glutathione recommendation -...
 COLLAGEN has been DEFINITELY became part of my life when I first discovered it in 2015/2016. This played a big part in my skin care routine and since then, I've been constantly taking different collagen to take care of my skin.Already on my...