It's actually my first time to hear a hangover relieve! Say hello to the Ready Q Chew Jelly! It is a sweet and chew able yellow mango jelly that can help your hangover. It is manufactured by Handok, made in Korea.
*Key Ingredients:
Curcumin 10mg
Mango Juice Concentrate 1.0%
The packaging comes in this cute yellow sachet. There are 3 yellow chew able jellies in each sachet, packed in a candy wrapper.
It is truly chewable and has a light sweet mango taste.
Price:Php150 (3 chewable jellies). Available at my Hicharis storeHERE.
How to Use:
Take 3 tablets 3 hours before/after drinking
I tried this one while drinking a light alcoholic drink and it I really can't say that it completely helped with the "hangover" the next day but it somehow can help with my migraine/headache due to lack of sleep/oversleep. I think the sweetness of this chewable jelly helped to lessen the pain plus it has a light sweet taste to it. One of my friend who drank hard alcoholic drink and had a hangover in the morning. She used this one and told me that it helped lessen her hang over.
👉👉👉 You can head out now to my Hicharis store for more info (and discount!!) or click HEREfor the direct link:
♥ NICOLE/NIX ♥ Currently working as Registered NURSE who loves sharing BEAUTY products I currently love, WHITENING tips and as well as FOOD experiences. A few times, I also share some tidbits of my LIFE and anything in between. ♥♥♥ For more info, querries or collabs, kindly email me at: ♥♥♥
!!!DISCLAIMER!!! All information provided on this site are for informational purposes only. All products/items/foods were personally purchased by me unless stated otherwise. Reviews posted are based on my own personal experience.
For BEAUTY reviews: My reviews are based on my own experience so keep in mind that while a product may work for me, it may or may not necessarily work for you. I do hope that you find my review helpful since all my reviews are 100% honest
Great, you have shared best post for us, most of the people are suffering from Headache After Drinking problem.