A year ago, Pawpaw Ointment was one of the most raved and talked about product of the year since it became famous because of the celebrities who were using it. But did you know that Pawpaw Ointment has been on the market since 2011! I haven't really used the Pawpaw Ointment but I heard and read a lot of good reviews about this product. One of the factor why I haven't tried it is because it's a little expensive for me. Today, I got to try an alternative and much cheaper local version of the Pawpaw Ointment from a local online shop which I've known for years.
This is the HSP Pawpaw Ointment from the local brand Herbal Soap Philipppines which makes natural and affordable whitening and skincare products for years. I've known the brand for years and tried A LOT of their products which I really liked!
The HSP PAWPAW OINTMENT is a multipurpose ointment that can used to heal minor skin conditions, nappy rash, crack skin, splinter, boils, burns, make up remover, chaffing, dry lips, skin moisturizer and even perfume extender.
It comes in a white tube and the description can easily be seen. The ointment is semi transparent white, a little sticky, thick but smooth when applied.
Weight: 25gPrice: ₱295.00
Although it has a lot of uses, I prefer to use this as my lip balm especially when at home. I've been using lip balm, lip gloss or petroleum jelly for years on my lips since I was 11 years old thus making my lips soft and smooth. I can't honestly live without these! Although in 2014, when I started to use lip tints and lip sticks, I noticed that my lips started to be a little dry. Early this year, I took an anti-acne pills which made my lips extremely dry and sometimes chapped thus having this kind of ointment is a must for me. I've used the HSP Pawpaw Ointment for more than a month (everyday use at night time) and I love how it helps to keep my lips moisturized and plump at the same time. I love how smooth it is to apply on the lips. Sometimes, I also use this for insect bites and it helps to soothe that area. There are still lot of ways to use the Pawpaw ointment that's why I think this is such a great purchase especially that HSP only creates all-natural and affordable products for everyone. Highly recommended!
HSP PAWPAW OINTMENT: For more info, you may contact them here:
♥ NICOLE/NIX ♥ Currently working as Registered NURSE who loves sharing BEAUTY products I currently love, WHITENING tips and as well as FOOD experiences. A few times, I also share some tidbits of my LIFE and anything in between. ♥♥♥ For more info, querries or collabs, kindly email me at: iamnicolefaller@yahoo.com ♥♥♥
!!!DISCLAIMER!!! All information provided on this site are for informational purposes only. All products/items/foods were personally purchased by me unless stated otherwise. Reviews posted are based on my own personal experience.
For BEAUTY reviews: My reviews are based on my own experience so keep in mind that while a product may work for me, it may or may not necessarily work for you. I do hope that you find my review helpful since all my reviews are 100% honest