Hello girls! I do apologize for the
lack of updates on my blog lately. Since my Baguio trip a month ago, I’ve been
so busy with a lot of things. Just finished editing my Baguio photos a week ago,
and currently still writing up my Baguio posts. I also need to write reviews
for the recent products I finished reviewing and still finding time to film
them. And would you believe that I don’t get any compensation from this. These
are the things I do for the passion of blogging and doing Youtube videos and I
enjoy it a lot. Though currently, still working on my Youtube monetization
issue with Google Ad sense. L
Anyway, I recently went to a blogger
event last September 16, 2017
along with my blogger friends. It was my 2nd blogger event in a long
time since last June 2016, the first event I went to. The anxiety was extreme
since I don’t know what to expect though was so much excited since I know I’ll
be learning a lot from this and excited to meet other bloggers and Youtubers.
The event was called “Beauty
Vlogging Workshop” by Sample Room PH. Who or what is Sample Room? SampleRoom PH offers FREE full sized products to try before you buy them on the
market. How does it works? You just simply need to sign up and you will
immediately get 100 points to use or purchase products on the site. You only
need to pay for the shipping which costs Php100 for Manila area and Php150 for
provincial. That’s already a good deal since you get a full-sized sample
products. Not only that, they also have contests and prizes for active members
as well as a chance to be featured as the Sample Room’s Room Member of the
month just like my blogger friend, Princess
who is the Sample Room’s Member of the month. Hurray! J
The place was so girly, floral and so
me. Haha I love floral so I really liked Sample Room’s Set up that day.
The first speaker was Ms. Genzel Habab followed by Ms. Say Tioco and Ms. Rhea Bue. They shared a lot of tips about vlogging as well
blogging. I’ve been following all of them for years already and glad to finally
learn a lot from their experience. This event was so helpful for me as new
Youtuber who wanted to try out vlogging someday. I’m still too shy vlog but let’s
see. Maybe soon? Haha
There were also booths from their brand sponsors Ponds, Fujifilm, Happy Skin and Dentiste.
And of course, I can't miss the foods! haha
By the way, I came with my friend Princess and met Kat at the event. We all became instant friends!
It was also fun to
meet other bloggers as well and Youtubers I usually watch like Andie, Raych, Debbie and lots of more.
By the way, I already uploaded snippets of the event and video
on my Youtube channel below: