I know it’s been a while since I last shared something about my
life behind this blog. Today I would like to share with you that I’ll try to
make a series of weekly blog post about life as much as I can so please do look
forward to that. As you all know, I work as a full-time nurse and on my rest
days, I usually film videos, write up reviews or just basically be lazy around
the house and watch movies or series. Deciding to start this weekly blog posts
makes me ponder about life which I rarely do nowadays since I’m too busy with
everything that is going on. Also, I like the idea of sharing my thoughts since
it reminded me of my younger days where I usually think about life and dream
about things.
Since Princess of http://princessperalta.com tagged and
encouraged me to start a weekly blog post, I decided to start with sharing how
I started blogging.
So, I’m going to start back when I first discovered my love for
writing when I was in my grade school or elementary. With the big influence of
anime, I started writing stories when I was 9 and letting some members of my
family read what I wrote. By the age of 9, I had my first diary which I always
use to write my thoughts every single day. Since I had a lot of time during my
younger years, whenever I get home, I wrote everything about my life, dreams, family,
friends, school, frustrations, love and even the episode of my favorite anime during
that time. I continued writing on my diary until I already stopped a few years
ago because I was a busy with life itself.
Let’s go back during my high school life where I first
discovered the world of blogging. Before Facebook, I remembered the website,
Friendster was the most popular social media site during those days. Friendster
had this option of adding a blog on their site which I used most of the time to
share anything I want to post on the internet. Internet wasn’t that much of a
necessity during those days and not most of the people reads my blog. So, everything
I share on my first blog was all about what happened during those times. Besides
my diary which I wrote my personal thoughts, my blog became my online diary. Having
a blog makes it easier for me to type my thoughts rather than writing it down. Though
I still want a physical or hard copy that’s why I keep a diary up until now.
Back to blogging, after Friendster I migrated to Live journal
for a while then finally settled to Xanga for years. I think Xanga had been my
main blog during my college days. Blogging started to become popular that time
as well as Youtube though I didn’t focus much on the content of my blog. My Xanga
blog served as my online diary which I posted most of my personal stuff. I
remembered posting or sharing my love life or even my family problems as I didn’t
think that people whom I didn’t knew would read those posts. So, I ended up
receiving anonymous hate comments at times.
After college, I deleted my Xanga blog and tried Tumblr instead.
My Tumblr blog started as a re-blog posts then after a year, I changed it into
a more personal but a bit informational blog. I started to share some reviews about
hair dye and some make ups that I do love. Until in 2014 where food stalls and
restaurants started to emerged and so food trips started to become my thing. I
realized why not share my thoughts or review on my blog about the food stalls
or restaurants I’ve been to. Quality of my blog wasn’t my priority during those
times since I focus more on the quantity of my reviews. I used my old cell
phone for my photos and I just basically click and shoot the foods just for the
sake of having photos uploaded on my blog or social media sites.
Old Tumblr blog (2011-2015)
That’s also the year when I signed up an account at Zomato which
played a big part on my food blogging. I used Zomato site to check on the
reviews about the restaurant as well as check the prices if it is within my
budget. I remembered being so happy when
I first received a Zomato invite which sadly, I couldn’t attend. It was then after
5-6 months when they invited me again and finally attended my first Zomatofoodie meet up in February 2016. Since then, I usually attend Zomato foodie meet up if I have a time . Zomato foodie meetups are fun since I'm able to meet fellow foodies like me
who shares the same passion.
In 2015, my first camera which is the Samsung NX Mini changed my
life. Quality of photos was now one of my priorities and I think I did a pretty good job
on editing as well. I’m not a pro at taking photos or editing but having a
camera to take a photo instead of a phone makes me inspired to take better
photos and improve my skills.
Since I want to improve my blog and Tumblr had limited blog
themes, I had to make a big decision to migrate to a different blog site. Blogger
or Blogspot has been my dream blog site since I was in high school but didn’t had
a chance to open my blog on that site for the reason of fear. An old friend of mine discouraged me to use blogspot
since that friend told me it would be a bit hard for me to manage a blog at
blogspot which I regretfully believed until I signed up in 2015. So, in December
2015, I finally migrated my blog from Tumblr to Blogger. At first, it was hard
since I’ve already established something on my old Tumblr blog. Imagine starting
again from scratch and editing everything (means 200-300+ blog posts) from my
old blog.
Foods were the focus of my blog until I started sharing beauty
reviews in early 2016. If you follow this blog, I always mentioned, Cheska’s Store for some of my product reviews. When I was just starting on my beauty
reviews, Cheska’s Store was the first online shop who sent me a product, Snow AuraWhitening Booster Mask, first product I reviewed. After that, they sent me more
products like whitening and some make ups to review. Cheska’s Store played a
big part on my beauty reviews since they’re first shop who believed in me even
though I was just a random starting blogger when they first sent me that
product for review. Unintentionally, my blog and Youtube channel now became a
beauty site which focuses on whitening and reviews.
Would you even believe that I do everything for passion? I don’t
compensated from blogging nor posting on my Youtube channel since sadly, I have
a problem with my Google Adsense. So yes, I do everything for free and for the passion
of sharing.
Having this blog for more than a year already, makes me think
that somehow my goals are achieved by reaching out to girls and even boys who
loves the same thing as me. My goal is to share my experience about the dishes
and restaurants I went to as well as share my thoughts about a certain product
that I love. I feel so happy whenever I receive comments and messages on how
this blog or even my Youtube channel helped them in a lot of ways.
Being a blogger and a Youtuber makes me a bit conscious about
the things I share. I used to be so vocal about my thoughts and opinions before
but I noticed I don’t share much of that nowadays. Social anxiety and expectations from people pressures me a lot and this has been bugging me since honestly, it keeps me from
doing what I love. Starting this weekly blog posts would be a big help for me
to slowly open-up again and just be myself. It’s not that I’m not myself but it’s
about knowing my capacity and believing that I can do and share MORE.
I still have lot's of things I want to improve on my blog and Youtube channel so please do look for ward to that in the next coming posts. This had been my longest entry ever and I’m so happy to share this
thoughts with you since it was a very long time since I’ve done this kind of
personal posts. Hoped I helped or inspired you somehow guys.
So how about you? Do you have a blog or even thinking of starting a blog site? I
want to know how you started blogging or what makes you motivated to start a
blog? Let’s be friends! :D