To begin with, (not to brag or whatsoever) I was already born with a fair skin. During my teenage years, I had a huge hormonal pimple problems which leads me to use derma products to get rid and prevent pimple breakouts. These products tend to shed off layer of the skin and of course, I only use these products for my face (not on my neck or body) thus making my face a bit lighter than the rest of my body.
Also, when I was in college, we had lots of community duties as well as I keep on walking under the sun without any protection thus making my skin maybe a bit darker than my current tone now. Thus, I do have a lighter skin color on my face compared to my arms, body and legs.
I remembered being conscious of my skin tone in 2012 when I noticed one of my friend’s skin tone became lighter than usual. I even thought she was taking glutathione but revealed to me that she’s only using Kojie San Kojic Soap for her body. Since 2012, I regularly use Kojie San soap until I started reviewing whitening products in 2016.
I do get lots of queries about oral glutathione or sometimes, people ask why I still take glutathione or whitening products when in fact I’m already fair skinned. Yes, I DO HAVE AN UNEVEN SKIN TONE so I believe these whitening products would hopefully help me achieve an EVEN SKIN TONE. Honestly, online shops and brands sometimes send me whitening products to review so who am I to refuse?
I have no issues with trying out and reviewing products for you guys so I hope you do appreciate what I try to do and share with you guys. Everything is trial and error. Of course, not everything worked for me and there are even times that I experienced bad breakouts because of the product I tried. I don’t regret it because I love what I do and I have consent to take these products and share my opinions to you guys.
I've been using same whitening soap way back 2012 and started to religiously use different whitening products in 2016. 3 years have passed and I'm glad to achieve this kind of skin tone. I'm still not an expert when it comes to whitening since my goal in using whitening products now is to LIGHTEN MY DARK SPOTS and MAINTAIN THE BODY TONE I HAVE.
This is the JUJU GLUTATHIONE is a peach-flavored effervescent glutathione tablet for a brighter and lighter skin, improved metabolism, and better sleep. It also has an anti oxidant and a good immunity booster. What is unique about this collagen that it comes in effervescent tablet which you can easily dissolve in water. It is FDA approved, ISO and HACCP Certified.
Other Ingredients:
Grape Seed Extract
Lingonberry Extract
Patented Tomato Extract
Vitamin C
Hyaluronic Acid
Packaging: It comes in an orange and white box. The product itself comes in a tablet form in a tube. Each box contains 2 tubes. Each tubes contains 15 effervescent tablet. Each box is good for 30 days of use.
Scent/Taste: Smells and tastes like mixed berries with a hint of fishy taste (normal and minimal taste)
Weight: Price: Php 1, 707 (30 tablets)
How to Use: The recommended dosage is 2 effervescent tablets a day.
1. DROP THE TABLET. Drop 1 tablet in a glass of water. Take 1 tablet daily
3. WATCH THE FIZZ. Watch the bubbles and listen to the hissing sound while the tablet dissolves. Don’t worry. It won’t take long!
3. DRINK AND GLOW. Drink your yummy peach-flavored drink and repeat steps 1-3 everyday to see amazing results.
I usually take 1 tablet per day every morning.
According to their site, after 2-3 days, you will feel the internal effects such as feeling energized and vibrant since it helps in regenerating the cells. On the 5th day up to the first week, glowing skin will be noticeable on the 5th day up to the first week, and lightening of the skin will be visible after 2-3 weeks of use. But always remember, partner it with healthy lifestyle and avoid too much sun exposure.
You can check out my Youtube video review below:
- Easier to take
- More enjoyable way of drinking glutathione
- Sweet taste
- Radiant skin
- Lighter skin
- No breakouts
- FDA approved
- Saw the results in 6 weeks of use
- Glutathione content not indicated
For more info about the JUJU GLUTATHIONE, you may check the links below: